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Showing posts from January, 2009

Sophie as a target audience

My lovely, smart, tv watching daughter is the perfect audience for infomercials. She gets so excited with these products, pausing the television and making Michael or I watch them as she demands the products by the end of the day or for her birthday. If she had a credit out!! For her Birthday all she wants are these: (benderoos, snuggie-blanket with arms, hangers you can bend) and this for Dad because he is good at fixing things: She actually obsesses over these items daily, she got that characteristic from Michael by the way.

He really is 16, thoughts on Tiler

Tiler turned 16 this week. It is one of those things that seems like it took forever, but yet went by so fast?!? Here are some recent pictures of him playing soccer and some thoughts on Tiler. Although, he is the teenager I have been complaining about, there are plenty of great things about him. he is very laid back and in a family of intensity this is often a breath of fresh air he is a morning person and I have never once had a hard time waking him or getting him off to school, in fact since about second grade he has gotten himself off to school on time without any help he loves to be on the go and have fun and he has a ton of energy-enough for several people he is athletic, no matter what sport he played we were never the parents in the stands going "that's not my kid" (unless he was throwing a fit) he loves his sister and can be very sweet with her, he doesn't do anything to antagonize her (she on the other hand gives him a run for his money!) he is very smart and...

Barbie and Ken

Another day in the life of Sophie's Barbies. Here is how I found them after her bath the other night. Then I noticed that their clothes are off (see they are by Ken's head as if he ripped them off himself) and so I took a peek under there and sure enough they are naked! This post really needs no more words other than I DO NOT let her watch the playboy channel!

Thoughts on turning 40

Here are some things I feel have come with turning 40: contentment peace knowledge comfortable in my own skin (even if that skin on the back of my arms flaps around when I wave) spirituality, a wonderful relationship with God maturity (don't laugh, I am more mature now!!) love for all others (even you Lance) quality friendships ability to laugh at myself loving, forgiving relationships with women instead of competing with them or comparing myself to them knowing what unconditional love feels like (my children have given me this gift) a totally sick sense of humor that I just can't get rid of and of course wrinkles, bad eyesight, and random unwanted hair growth turning 40 wasn't so bad after all!

My marathon experience

Most of you have probably read about the marathon on my facebook page, but I thought I would write a little more detail here. Something strange has happened though. Since the marathon I have been so tired I can't even put words together and have not had an ounce of energy to write or get anything done. I even left Sophie at school without lunch one day this week....I know this is very scary, because that is just not like me. I had no idea I would be this tired, sore, and just plain "out of it" the week following the marathon. The big question is....would I do another answer is yes, but would I train for another one....ummm...not so sure. The marathon experience was great, from the expo, the anticipation, running in such a big group of people and experiencing the run along with them as if you knew them as more than strangers, the outhouses (well not so much those-I was the only runner that took antibacterial wipes into the porta potty before the race). The la...

Why run a marathon

-my Dad has always wanted me to (and he won't get off my back until I do) -I can eat whatever I want during training (like the two whole cream cheese poundcakes my Mom made during the holidays that I hid in the back of fridge so my family wouldn't find them and ate them entirely by myself) -when I turn 40 this month I will hopefully know that I can at least run far even if the rest of my body is falling apart and I have to hold things way out in front of me to read them -Michael ran one and I can't let him hold that over my head (noooo, I'm not competitive) -I have a great excuse to get out of my house away from my kids and listen to my IPOD for hours at a time (this is my favorite reason) -I get to buy cute new running clothes without guilt because I am actually running in them -I get to show up ay Sophie's school in the morning in sweats and a hat with the excuse that it is a running day (even when it's not) -it's is the only way to spend time with Lyric b...

I am a Martha and a Mary

This is my photo for the day.... I started writing things down in this book that come into my mind, mostly weird things, because thoughts go in and out so fast I can't remember them hours later and it drives me crazy!! I also am a list maker because I am an "organized ditz", so without lists I am a mess and drive my other personality, the anal retentive one, absolutely nutty. I was writing my ideas down on Costco receipts and junk mail that I leave in my car and then couldn't find them because loving husband sometimes just has enough of the mess in my car and throws everything away! Enter- cute book, excuse to spend money. And, as you can see I always like to have a cute colorful pen (in pink or purple) to write with. I will avoid all other writing utensils in the house and race around to find one of MY pens just to sign the pizza delivery receipt. Weird, quirky, can't believe I am even admitting it to you. Anyway...... One week in a previous Beth Moore (my idol) ...

It is marathon week.....People!

The countdown is on, the obsession is peaking, I'm a teensy beensy (is that even a word) stressed....okay, I am freaking out inside and wiping down every germ known to man on the outside-shut up, I know I do that no matter what. Seriously, the running taper as we call it (decrease your mileage down to practically nothing which should be sounding pretty sweet by now) should actually be called the running "tamper" because it is tampering with my psyche, as in getting psyched OUT! Lyric and I have hardly put in any mileage these past few weeks after our big 22 miler, not because we are lazy, but because we are supposed to t-a-p-e-r..... So, this is what happens: Jen's inside her head scary voice:" you are getting totally out of shape" logical voice (I do have a logical voice...sometimes): "you need the rest, you are old and have 4 injuries on one leg alone" scary voice: "I have forgotten how to eat (ok, slurp) GU while running" logical voice...

In Da Club and more.....

Most of you know that I have the greatest running partner, Lyric, who puts up with my whining with a smile and positive encouragement, works around my inability to get up early unless forced, and basically gets us out the door for our runs. Without her I would just be a stay at home slug getting hyped up on coffee all day and watching Ellen and Oprah until it was time to pick up my drama queen from school. But, I do have another running partner, she is my IPOD. I could not run without her...... Early in my runs I listen to praise and worship, this makes me happy and lets face it, I have to have Gods help with this marathon thing, I am not managing this on my own. Then, I move onto artists like Jordin Sparks and Colby Caillat singing of love, life and bubbles because I can still breathe and speak at this point so I can relate to joy. As I enter into the middle phase of my run, tired, bored and beginning to feel my toes fall asleep I have to pump it up a notch to P!nk and Evanescence, or...

My supportive husband

loving husband: "The Eagles won so the Cardinals play at home next Sunday, so I would like to have some of our friends over for the game" Me: "Honey, that is the day of my marathon?!?" loving husband (voice escalating): "Well, exactly what time does it start, how fast can you run it?" Me: scowl at loving husband and try hard not to raise middle finger since as previously stated in my blog no longer appropriate at my age loving husband: "as soon as you cross the finish line we are going to have to get right to the car and get home fast! Me: pretend in my head raising middle finger

Picture a day

This is how I look to my family most of the time, which of course brings about a lot of whining, "moooommm are you done taking pictures yet?!?" Despite the lack of enthusiasm from the kids (mainly Sophia) I am going to step up the picture taking. I received some photography magazines and books from Michael and the kids for Christmas so I am going to try some new things with my camera and the only way for me to keep doing something more than twice I need a goal. So, I am going to copy the ole "picture a day" concept and then I am going to bore you all with them. I am sure some of them will be hideous (this is Sophie's word for everything) because I am going to practice with natural light and I truly suck at that. I may have to tape my flash shut so I will not be tempted to use it. Here is my first picture of the day and it is of my little fashion guru after she did her hair herself.

Blogs, blogs and more blogs

I have been hit with something this week, an irrestible urge to read strangers blogs for hours at a time. I have to admit I am mostly drawn to the ones written by women as I know their pain, their triumphs and their fears as my own. I am also loving some of the photography blogs and sites I have found out there. There are some seriously talented writers and creative people out there in the world..some days I feel like the world is just filled with a*&ho*&@, bad drivers, and incompetent fast food employees. So, I am rejuvenated by the creativity I have found this week, along with completely overwhelmed with all that it has inspired..I mean I would not be me if I wasn't going to somehow turn this into something to worry about! I have added links to some of the sites I have found and will add more as I go. For all of my friends and family of the female variety take a look at the joy unexpected blog and see a video she has posted of Kelly Corrigan the author of The Middle Place...

Blog Frustration

I have changed my mind again about my just wouldn't feel right if I didn't do that a few times in the process of creating something. But, I do apologize for my indecisiveness and hope it did not cause any inconvenience. After trying several options for my blog, shedding a few tears (of anger), pounding my enter key a little too hard (100 times in a row), and there may have been some throwing of objects...I have now decided to stick with blogger...for now. The blogging tool I attempted to use had a lot more options, but with more option come more problems. Michael says it is a user issue and I just roll my eyes, because raising my middle finger is just not an option after this many years of marriage. So, here is my new blog in which I will begin with a picture of how I found Sophie's Barbies after her bath. Should I be worried?