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Why run a marathon

-my Dad has always wanted me to (and he won't get off my back until I do)

-I can eat whatever I want during training (like the two whole cream cheese poundcakes my Mom made during the holidays that I hid in the back of fridge so my family wouldn't find them and ate them entirely by myself)

-when I turn 40 this month I will hopefully know that I can at least run far even if the rest of my body is falling apart and I have to hold things way out in front of me to read them

-Michael ran one and I can't let him hold that over my head (noooo, I'm not competitive)

-I have a great excuse to get out of my house away from my kids and listen to my IPOD for hours at a time (this is my favorite reason)

-I get to buy cute new running clothes without guilt because I am actually running in them

-I get to show up ay Sophie's school in the morning in sweats and a hat with the excuse that it is a running day (even when it's not)

-it's is the only way to spend time with Lyric because she has like a thousand friends

and just because I wanted to see if I could.......


  1. For some reason I thought you had run one before...this is your first?? OH! Way to go! I thought your Dad made you do this years ago. LOL

  2. I hope it went well Jen, I prayed for you!!

  3. ....but you are the only friend I would allow to talk me into running an insane distance!!

  4. I'm dying to hear how it went!!! I seriously CAN NOT fathom running that far. I think the most I've ever run without stopping is 6 miles..and I've never been more proud. :)

    I am impressed with you!!!!


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