The countdown is on, the obsession is peaking, I'm a teensy beensy (is that even a word) stressed....okay, I am freaking out inside and wiping down every germ known to man on the outside-shut up, I know I do that no matter what. Seriously, the running taper as we call it (decrease your mileage down to practically nothing which should be sounding pretty sweet by now) should actually be called the running "tamper" because it is tampering with my psyche, as in getting psyched OUT! Lyric and I have hardly put in any mileage these past few weeks after our big 22 miler, not because we are lazy, but because we are supposed to t-a-p-e-r.....
So, this is what happens:
Jen's inside her head scary voice:" you are getting totally out of shape"
logical voice (I do have a logical voice...sometimes): "you need the rest, you are old and have 4 injuries on one leg alone"
scary voice: "I have forgotten how to eat (ok, slurp) GU while running"
logical voice: "you are a professional eater, you can eat anything, anytime especially since GU is chocolate flavored
scary voice:"I don't rememeber running over 4 miles at a time, what if it was a dream that I ran far"
logical voice:"what about getting stuck putting water on the bottom of your Costco cart with your crack showing because your knee is locked up from your 22 mile run seems like a dream"
I know I trained, I know that I am in shape, I know that I am mentally capable (barely) to run for hours at a time...I know I can do it...right?!? I better go run around the block and make sure I rememeber how to tie double knots in my shoelaces.
Here are some of my pictures from 365 project I took at the running store yesterday, where they were out of GU, the week of that tiny little local marathon that thousands of people are running....who on earth is responsible for that smooth move? (Don't act like you don't think that when the store is out of your needed food item.)
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