Here are some things I feel have come with turning 40:
- contentment
- peace
- knowledge
- comfortable in my own skin (even if that skin on the back of my arms flaps around when I wave)
- spirituality, a wonderful relationship with God
- maturity (don't laugh, I am more mature now!!)
- love for all others (even you Lance)
- quality friendships
- ability to laugh at myself
- loving, forgiving relationships with women instead of competing with them or comparing myself to them
- knowing what unconditional love feels like (my children have given me this gift)
- a totally sick sense of humor that I just can't get rid of
- and of course wrinkles, bad eyesight, and random unwanted hair growth
turning 40 wasn't so bad after all!
After I turn 40, I'll get back to you and let you know if I agree with these'll be a few years though.... :)