This is how I look to my family most of the time, which of course brings about a lot of whining, "moooommm are you done taking pictures yet?!?" Despite the lack of enthusiasm from the kids (mainly Sophia) I am going to step up the picture taking. I received some photography magazines and books from Michael and the kids for Christmas so I am going to try some new things with my camera and the only way for me to keep doing something more than twice I need a goal. So, I am going to copy the ole "picture a day" concept and then I am going to bore you all with them. I am sure some of them will be hideous (this is Sophie's word for everything) because I am going to practice with natural light and I truly suck at that. I may have to tape my flash shut so I will not be tempted to use it. Here is my first picture of the day and it is of my little fashion guru after she did her hair herself.
Most of you know that I have the greatest running partner, Lyric, who puts up with my whining with a smile and positive encouragement, works around my inability to get up early unless forced, and basically gets us out the door for our runs. Without her I would just be a stay at home slug getting hyped up on coffee all day and watching Ellen and Oprah until it was time to pick up my drama queen from school. But, I do have another running partner, she is my IPOD. I could not run without her...... Early in my runs I listen to praise and worship, this makes me happy and lets face it, I have to have Gods help with this marathon thing, I am not managing this on my own. Then, I move onto artists like Jordin Sparks and Colby Caillat singing of love, life and bubbles because I can still breathe and speak at this point so I can relate to joy. As I enter into the middle phase of my run, tired, bored and beginning to feel my toes fall asleep I have to pump it up a notch to P!nk and Evanescence, or...
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