First of all, I had to use an online dictionary and still had trouble spelling the title of this blog entry without looking at the correct spelling three times before I got it right!!
A couple of weekends ago we were outside working on a step for our balcony (okay, Michael was working and I was sipping a diet coke and spying on my neighbors). Anyway......Sophie was enjoying being outside riding her bike and her scooter, kicking her soccer ball, basically being entertained without my assistance, bliss! So, I sneak inside and get on the, I was not on facebook, well maybe for a few minutes I was. I heard Sophie come in and out a couple of times, but did not really pay attention to what she was doing, don't worry, she is 6 and she is a girl so rarely is she "up to something" bad. Then a few minutes later Michael comes in and says you have to see this, so I grudgingly go back outside. But, the interruption was worth it-she had set up a table with a sign and was actually selling her stickers to the neighbors, there were two cars parked out front and people were giving her money, she even made a tip!!!!It was so cute and I could not help but feel proud of her (and thankful our neighbors were kind enough to stop and buy tiny penguin stickers).
I had to go back inside after taking pictures because this is totally out of my comfort zone....I want to sanitize the money she is being given, I want to protect her from the rejection of the sales process, but Michael just waved me away.....Sophie is constantly coming up with these ideas to sell things to make money and she often creates decorated boxes and fills them with items and wants me to ship them to Mexico and Africa for the kids that don't have anything. I love it because she really challenges a good way!
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