There are things in my life that I enjoy and love to pass onto others: names of good books, movies I loved, great running songs, and my most important obsession, fabulous blogs and websites!! The Pioneer Woman has held the esteemed position of my favorite to pass onto others, especially women....she is funny and we can relate to her in some crazy fashion, although I often find myself saying, "Is this woman on crack, how does one have so much energy in a day". To this, Michael says, "it's called a staff Jen"....which of course shatters my entire self deprecating act of wondering why I can't be as great as her?! Anyway.....I have found a blog (and I am late on this bandwagon let me tell you) that makes me happy...just gives me a smile and a good laugh. I have been holding off on putting it in my links section due to, well lets just say, some controversial Mormon opinions....but, if I could pull this woman out of her living room (not her kitchen because she onl...