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Showing posts from February, 2009

I just can't help myself

There are things in my life that I enjoy and love to pass onto others: names of good books, movies I loved, great running songs, and my most important obsession, fabulous blogs and websites!! The Pioneer Woman has held the esteemed position of my favorite to pass onto others, especially women....she is funny and we can relate to her in some crazy fashion, although I often find myself saying, "Is this woman on crack, how does one have so much energy in a day". To this, Michael says, "it's called a staff Jen"....which of course shatters my entire self deprecating act of wondering why I can't be as great as her?! Anyway.....I have found a blog (and I am late on this bandwagon let me tell you) that makes me happy...just gives me a smile and a good laugh. I have been holding off on putting it in my links section due to, well lets just say, some controversial Mormon opinions....but, if I could pull this woman out of her living room (not her kitchen because she onl...

I have more than enough!

Okay, I have been busy and lets just say a tad bit overwhelmed which essentially causes me not to blog or photograph, or write....or do much of anything except sulk. So, this morning I have the ultimate "woe is me moment" and actually cry so hard I think I might puke (sometimes a girl just needs a good cry right)...well, wrong...I continued to walk around the house cranky and ineffective. So, I made myself some comfort food (homemade mac and cheese-full of fat and calories...yum) and sat down to read for a reality check. AND, that is exactly what I got. This young girl is such an amazing, mature, God loving and fearing woman and she just takes my breath away...literally, because I cry when I read her blog. I am always amazed that when I am needing some insight, God always has the ability to get me the information I need exactly when I need it. And it took the Sunday entry on this blog to snap me right out of my self centered mode. I wish I could a...

Pour me a big glass of "whine"

Why is my daily life like this..... and not like this? Why is my daily view this..... and not this??

Our Entrepreneur

First of all, I had to use an online dictionary and still had trouble spelling the title of this blog entry without looking at the correct spelling three times before I got it right!! A couple of weekends ago we were outside working on a step for our balcony (okay, Michael was working and I was sipping a diet coke and spying on my neighbors). Anyway......Sophie was enjoying being outside riding her bike and her scooter, kicking her soccer ball, basically being entertained without my assistance, bliss! So, I sneak inside and get on the, I was not on facebook, well maybe for a few minutes I was. I heard Sophie come in and out a couple of times, but did not really pay attention to what she was doing, don't worry, she is 6 and she is a girl so rarely is she "up to something" bad. Then a few minutes later Michael comes in and says you have to see this, so I grudgingly go back outside. But, the interruption was worth it-she had set up a table with a sign and was a...