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Showing posts from September, 2017

The four letter word of mommyhood "SELF" care

Don't even think about saying you are going to take some time for your self as a mom because someone or something WILL sabotage me, this is truth. You would think I would be the queen of self care....don't get me wrong in my house I am the queen of a lot of things, but self care ain't one of them. Growing up my dad loved reading self help books and sharing his insight with me all the while I moaned, "Dad stop, seriously, this is sooo boring...." and "seriously Dad, I'm trying to watch Days of Our Lives I don't care what Gandhi says" and "Dad, I do not want to meditate to bells and chimes" and last but not least "Dad!! I do not want to drink that weird stinky mushroom broth that's been sitting on the windowsill for weeks because it will make me healthy". One of my favorite BAD memories is when he made me do some fasting crap only drinking saline solution and then we ran out of toilet paper after the "heal...