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The four letter word of mommyhood "SELF" care

Don't even think about saying you are going to take some time for your self as a mom because someone or something WILL sabotage me, this is truth. You would think I would be the queen of self care....don't get me wrong in my house I am the queen of a lot of things, but self care ain't one of them. Growing up my dad loved reading self help books and sharing his insight with me all the while I moaned, "Dad stop, seriously, this is sooo boring...." and "seriously Dad, I'm trying to watch Days of Our Lives I don't care what Gandhi says" and "Dad, I do not want to meditate to bells and chimes" and last but not least "Dad!! I do not want to drink that weird stinky mushroom broth that's been sitting on the windowsill for weeks because it will make me healthy". One of my favorite BAD memories is when he made me do some fasting crap only drinking saline solution and then we ran out of toilet paper after the "heal...
Recent posts

It's all fun and games until your lab results come back abnormal.

Hello's been awhile...holy cow! I was looking through my older blog posts below and that seems like a lifetime ago! I have restarted my blog to write about my journey these last few years of motherhood, marriage, financial changes, the good the bad and the ugly regarding eating right and exercising, weight gain, anxiety, postpartum OCD, sobriety and surviving (and of course enjoying) this thing called PARENTING! In my yoga class today someone said you have been parenting yes I have, yes I have. With no end in sight....thanks.... I return today to discuss my current health issues. I recently thought my hormones, as in premenopausal, were giving me a run for my money, but in fact those are still running strong and I guess could make a baby which IF that would happen you might as well send me to the farm...and not the one with cows. Seriously, that would do me in. In fact, I would pass it on to one of my kids to raise, just sayin'. So, I went to t...


Ok, I've got issues...oh, you already knew that?!?! Is that because everything I feel comes out of my mouth...see just one of my "issues"..... I would rather sit and read other people's blogs for hours rather than clean my house I would rather eat chocolate frosting than chicken and veggies for dinner I would rather sit on the couch and read than feed my family I would rather play Fantasy Football than sew or crochet I would rather relax by the pool with a People Magazine than study history or something else intelligent I would rather take pictures of people or things all day than get a real job I would rather sit on the beach all day with this view than run errands I want to be a good wife and mother with a spotless house and place beautiful healthy meals on the table and never raise my voice...BUT....this is just not reality for me!!! God bless my poor family......

My oh my, how life changes

I have not been on my blog since the beginning of school year and now we are about to be at the end!! It is amazing how working full-time can suck the life out of you. But, I now am a broke-at-home Mom...I mean stay-at-home-Mom so I have to have my outlets or I go crazy...hence my attempt at getting back to blogging. I always feel better if I blog rather than sit and read other people's blogs for hours at a time until I am cross-eyed and Sophia is pretending she has a broken leg just to get my attention. I want to write a novel, but the pregnancy has left me with only two brain cells in which to work with, so that will just have to wait. So, hopefully the three of you out there that read my blog, including you Mom, will appreciate that I have returned. Here is how I look, that is not one too many slices of cheesecake!

Back to the desert!

Well, it is that time of year...back to school. For most of you this means, the smell of freshly sharpened pencils, buying cute sweaters to stay warm, looking forward to the turning of the leaves and then soon after your first snow...... For us, it means hoping your crayons don't melt on the way to school, frozen water bottles so you don't get heatstroke at recess, that is if you can even play outside due to a possible heat advisory, wishing you could wear your bathing suit to school so you could plop yourself in the water fountain, and wishing the entree for the school lunch was a is that time of year again.......back to school in the desert!!

The men in my life are good Dads

All of the men in my life really are great fathers. My Grandpa, my Dad and Michael have all provided for, cared for, loved, and supported their children and grandchildren. I have wonderful memories with these men and they have helped form me into the person that I am. Fishing with Popo, running with my Dad and raising beautiful children with Michael. Obviously, I could name hundreds of other memories with these men (good and bad), but the common thread is that they have always been there for me, they are present, creating a security I could have never known without them. Thank you God, the number one man in my life, for providing me with so much fabulous testosterone!!

Since you've been gone.......

I have been gone a long time from the blogs...missing them very much!! Since I have a few months of my job under my belt I am hoping to get back to some of the things I really enjoy. is an attempt to bring back the blogging baby!! Now if I can just get past this writer's block.........